Sutcliffe’s assaults on Rogulsky, Smelt and Tracey Browne were puzzling random attacks on women but not regarded in the same mould as the murder of Wilma McCann in Leeds or indeed of Joan Harrison in Preston. Wilma’s killing was the first linked Ripper murder and was probably motivated by Tracey’s desire to rob her, a prostitute nearly at home after a night on the town, with extreme violence, rather than a planned commencement of a series of ritual murders. Harrison was also robbed.Barbara Booth’s Jamaican boy friend /pimp left the house from where she conducted her business, so she could have a pre-arranged short time with a punter and she and her son became his next victims. Clearly this was a premeditated murder. It is very likely that Tracey knew the boy friend because he planted the knife that he used on Wilma firmly in Barbara’s skull. This was a clear link to the McCann murder. The speed with which Dick Holland got a confession from the berserk and disturbed Mark Rowntree was the probable reason for Tracey’s next determined action. The first hammer attack on a prostitute.It is likely that Emily Jackson knew Tracey and had been with him before and now she was soliciting in her usual pitch outside the well known prostitute pub, the Gaity in Chapletown where she lingered with him observed by her friend. Tracey, the sexually perverted Irish criminal pimp was well known to many prostitutes in the area, probably the best known spot for a quick bout of sex. He was unafraid to be seen with his victim whom he picked up to murder in order to sicken the police, whom he despised with a passion. He knew they would get someone for it.Prostitution is a business unfamiliar to most people except those who participate in it. It is confined to a handful of pubs and a few streets where the prostitutes stand or walk alone or in small groups usually wearing short skirts or low cut tops and who return glances and will stop and chat a total stranger or turn their heads when a kerb crawler passes hoping he will stop. There are usually pimps lurking in the background or keeping tabs on their girls, not to protect them but more commonly to exploit them. Some prostitutes work alone and this can leave them vulnerable also.
The police vice squad know all of them. The business is illegal and they live in fear of arrest at all times. Emily walked with him the short distance to the alleyway at Manor street 800 yards from the Gaiety where Tracey saw all was quiet and they entered it to do the business. She was conned into a sex act by the calculating and jocular psychopath, Tracey, whose business was throwing down a challenge to the Leeds Constabulary. He struck her down when her back was turned and quickly dragged her further into a dark cul de sac. Then he stabbed her 51 times in all. Police never revealed the full extent of her injuries but a piece of timber was rammed between her legs and she lay on her back with her legs apart and her body covered by her own coat. Tracey left his boot print stamped on her thigh as an extra clue for the police. He knew her husband would be the no 1 suspect. It was shortly after this, when the alert went out for the well described Irishman that Tracey voluntarily returned to Ireland and all his subsequent murders were done by commuting from Ireland for each job. Initially it was thought that the suspect Irishman was driving the Land Rover but my information is that it was traced but clearly the Irishman was not. The proximity of the murder site to the pick up site would suggest that he would be unlikely to stop so close had they been driving. Peter Sutcliffe’s statement of how he did this murder is so out of touch with the facts that I dont wish to comment on them except to say that his statement was prompted and written by detective John Boyle who did know the injuries and led Sutcliffe with the statement. Boyle was also the detective who had eliminated Sutcliffe so many times. He must have known Sutcliffe was spinning a yarn. His story of looking under the bonnet of his car is far fetched and as with all his confessions they are more reminiscent of his clearly corroborated attacks over and over again.
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