

Noel O’Gara

Noel O’Gara was born in Ireland in 1944. He qualified as a member of the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants in London in 1969.

Subsequently he was self employed in business in Ireland. O’Gara was a wealthy successful semi-retired businessman in 1979 when he first became involved with the Yorkshire Ripper.

He says “There is only one reason why I have felt obliged to pursue this odyssey and that has always been that it’s real. It happened. It is truth. The truth was a guiding light, always there and a signpost to the next of the many building blocks on which this thesis is built. How could it be possible that a resident of a foreign country would ever wish to upset a criminal conviction in the UK, or hope to prove his conviction unless the true facts already existed. How could I prove that Peter Sutcliffe was not the Ripper with such conviction unless I already knew for sure that Billy Tracey was the Ripper? Sutcliffe just does not fit the frame. Billy Tracey does fit the frame. I didn’t try to frame him. He fits it exactly. The truth is one thing and criminal convictions in Court are another. You read in the papers and saw on the television reports about Sutcliffe’s trial. Now you see the unravelling of this misinformation. A small group of corrupt policemen stitched Sutcliffe up and compromised the good ones. I had to look over my shoulder for five years until he departed from Ireland in 1984. He must be living somewhere since then.

Would you like to have him living near you?”

Noel O’Gara now lives with his wife on a farm in the midlands of Ireland.

For nearly forty years he has conducted a campaign against the intransigence of the police most of whom resigned soon after the conviction. Their lies were promoted and supported by the fake news media who were repeatedly and forcefully made aware of the stitch up of the copycat killer Sutcliffe.  Noel O’Gara was obligated to devote his energies to this because the Ripper case was such an important and pressing matter and one that couldn’t be swept under the carpet because of the danger to the public and the need for honesty and openness, not to mention the risk to his own life from the Real Ripper, Billy Tracey. 


The mainstream media maintain the status quo and the deception because they   built the lies that Sutcliffe is the Ripper and sold millions of newspapers on the back of those lies. They and many other experts were wrong and they will never admit to that failure after all these years.

Noel O’Gara has no such constraints and wants the true facts exposed and the real Ripper brought to book for the appalling campaign of murders and terror that he inflicted on the North of England for five years. The internet has enabled this to happen because the newspapers will not alter their position on the case preferring to favour the official police wisdom which is fatally flawed but they can never admit that.




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